Failure Disguised As Success

1 min readAug 21, 2020
Photo by Guillermo Latorre on Unsplash

What does it mean to be successful? We can only answer this Subjectively because its definition varies from person to person. Getting the letter grade of a C can be a hUge success for one student, however to an A student this could be seen as a failure. Failure then can also be subjective. We may plaCe individual goals upon ourselves that surmount completing the task at hand. For example, when two competitors toe the line of a race they both have the same goal of finishing the raCe, but one might have a personal goal of accomplishing a personal best time. Individual goals are limitless and boundless, they are concepts and not of nature. Regardless, if the pErson fails at the external or the internal goal there is always learning to be had. This learning curve can be the key to understanding that failure iS a success any day of our lifetime. If we find Success in failure, do we ever fail in life?




Trying to serve one person at a time. Ultra-life. Namaste.